Project Description

Dr. Alan M. Gold joined Los Alamitos Cardiovascular in 1977, and is co-founder of the medical practice.
I lost my father to a heart attack when I was still in medical school. I know that successful prevention and treatment of heart disease requires shared caring and trust between patient and physician. Heart disease affects every aspect of a person’s life. Prevention and treatment of heart disease requires physical well being, emotional well being and a healthy lifestyle. I seek a true connection with my patients to provide the teamwork necessary for optimum results…
Our Physicians
On Medicine
Cardiologists now have powerful tools to lower cholesterol, treat hypertension, and revascularize obstructed coronary arteries. There have been many exciting advances in the past few years and the best is yet to come.
On Los Alamitos Cardiovascular
Dr. Fischer and I founded Los Alamitos Cardiovascular Group. We share a passion for helping people with heart disease, and making a positive difference in people’s lives. We have been joined by superb associates who share that passion. The entire staff understands that what we do as a team is important, and, ultimately, extremely satisfying. I truly believe our team of health care providers is very special and the care we provide is the very best possible, anywhere.
On My Specialty
Cardiology is the most exciting of Medical Subspecialties. Heart disease was for many years the primary cause of death for Americans, but recent advances in prevention and treatment have dramatically reduced mortality from heart disease.