Patient Info Overview
Our facilities were designed so that patients could have ready access to state-of-the-art diagnostic testing and therapeutic services in one, single-stop center. Consequently, our patients enjoy these benefits:
- Our offices are conveniently located in close proximity to the campus of Los Alamitos Medical Center, as well as, the offices of most referring physician in the Los Alamitos area.
- Advanced out-patient services and procedures including:
- Echocardiography
- Treadmill, Nuclear and Echo Stress Testing
- Peripheral Arterial Testing
- Pacemaker Clinic
- Venous Ultrasound and Venous Treatment (varicose veins, spider veins and more advanced presentations of venous reflux disease)
- The ability to have most tests and lab work performed right in our comfortable and conveniently located offices, with results available to referring physicians in less than 24 hours
- An impressive range of general and specialized expertise in cardiac medicine by a group of physicians widely recognized and respected in the region’s medical community and local hospitals

Serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties for 40 years…
Exciting innovations and ongoing research in the field of heart healthcare continue to afford patients and their doctors new and better ways to address patient treatment and provide patient-specific preventive care options.The highly trained physicians and medical support staff at Los Alamitos Cardiovascular are committed to delivering the most responsible and best available of those options to every one of our patients in a personal and professional manner.
We value the ongoing relationship we build with each patient and believe that trust and ease of communication are key to successful treatment and your on-going health.
Learn more about us by Meeting Our Physicians and reviewing our Patient Tests and Services sections.