Meet the Physicians of Los Alamitos Cardiovascular

Our group is uniquely qualified to offer its patients and referring physicians a solid, integrated approach to cardiovascular care. Each one of our cardiologists is a top-notch expert in their chosen subspecialty, and as a whole our physicians share a depth of knowledge covering every major subspecialty of cardiovascular and endovascular medicine.

  • Dr. Robert S. Lee at Work
  • Dr. Steven T. Forman at Work

Hospital Affiliations

Better Outcomes in Patient Care

Innovations and ongoing research in the field of heart healthcare are offering patients and their doctors new and better ways to address patient treatment, provide for better outcomes, and improve the patient’s quality of life. The physicians and staff at Los Alamitos Cardiovascular are focused on remaining in the forefront of those medical advances, and always with a prudent eye to what makes sense, and what is best for each patient.